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Collecting Highlights

10/1/2005:  Dragonriders of Pern calendar
by Cheryl Miller

To the best of my knowledge, only one Pern calendar has ever been produced, and that was for 1985. This oversized spiral-bound calendar was published in 1984 by Mayfair Games Inc (the same company which produced a Pern boardgame), retailed for $8.95, and featured scenes from the Dragonriders of Pern trilogy (Dragonflight, Dragonquest, and The White Dragon) by Tim Hildebrandt. There are 14 total illustrations (12 months plus front and back cover). The calendar pages measure 9x18 inches, with monthly images approximately 8x12 inches (remaining space for calendar dates).

Images of all of the interior illustrations can be found on Francois's La Page de Pern site.

Although the reptilian illustrations in the calendar do not match well to Anne's descriptions of Pernese dragons, the calendar is now a very collectable item which is hard to find. 

As of 10/1/2005, a couple copies were available online for prices varying from US$35-40.  For tips on locating copies of this or other items, email Cheryl (address in page footer) or post a message at A Meeting of Minds.


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Anne McCaffrey 1967-2007, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author.

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