Collecting Highlights
"A Proper Santa Claus" (short story)
by Cheryl Miller
"A Proper Santa
Claus" is about a boy named Jeremy, who has the ability to make
his artwork come alive, if they are "proper". When he decides to
make a Santa Claus for his own benefit, he learns an unexpected
lesson about selfishness.
There are two endings to this tale: the editor of the anthology
it first appeared in insisted on a happy ending, rather than the
downbeat one Anne originally wrote. The later two publications
reinstate the author-intended ending.

This short story was originally published in the anthology
Demon Kind, edited by Roger Elwood. The theme of this
anthology was stories of children with supernatural powers. This
paperback was published by Avon Books in March 1973, printed in
New York, and sold for 75 cents (US).
The story was printed a second time in the all-Anne anthology
Get Off the Unicorn in 1977, and a third time in the
anthology Masterpieces of Fantasy and Wonder edited by
Dave Hartwell and published in 1989 by The Literary Guild.
As of 12/1/2005, quite a number of copies of Demon Kind are available from
online booksellers, with prices starting at $2.00 (US). For tips on locating copies of this or other
items, email Cheryl (address in page footer) or post a message
A Meeting of Minds.
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