Collecting Highlights
Serve it Forth
by Hans van der Boom
With Christmas
time “a-coming” I thought it appropriate to write this article
on one of the two cookbooks that Anne edited. I have chosen the
second one because a) the first one, being Cooking Out Of
This World is much harder to research on short notice (even
though the older printings are definitely the more collectible
of the two titles) and b) I was pressed for time with many other
things to do but I’m sure you’ll excuse me.

Serve It Forth
has “Cooking With Anne McCaffrey” as subtitle and promises
“Stellar Recipes and Gourmet Lore from Fantasy and Science
Fiction’s Star Authors.” It is listed as edited by Anne
McCaffrey, whom we all know, and author/publisher John Gregory
Betancourt, the man behind Wildside Press. No surprise that the
book was published by the same publishing company in October of
1996. The very nice cover design is by Pat Morrissey.
Special about this
book is the dedication: “For Virginia Kidd”, Anne’s literary
agent who passed away in 2003 and who also has the honour of
having had the most important Pern book ever dedicated to her.
Yes, the dedication of “Dragonflight” reads: “Dear God, Yes,
there is a Virginia who helped me create this planet and the
marvels theron. And for whom I thank you.” That shows us how
incredibly important a person like Virginia has been in Anne’s
life. Another specialty of this cookbook is that both authors
“have kindly agreed to donate their profits to the Science
Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America’s Emergency Medical Fund.
How’s that for Christmas/charity feeling eh?
To list here all
contributing authors and their recipes would take too much time,
but a few I must mention. Of course there’s Anne herself who
wrote the introduction and who gives us the recipe for an Irish
dish called “Colcannon”. Other very famous contributors are:
Poul Anderson, Lois McMaster Bujold, Phyllis Eisenstein,
Katherine Kurtz, Mercedes Lackey and Larry Dixon, Larry Niven,
Kate Wilhelm and literally dozens of others.
The original
(paperback) price back in 1996 was $ 12.99 ($ 19,95 now) and
although the First printing might be collectible (mine is signed
by John Betancourt), the book will never be rare because
Wildside Press is still publishing it (on demand). Among many
other Anne McCaffrey books I should say, because Wildside Press
publishes a number of very “collectible” and nice AMC books you
won’t be able to buy anywhere else. They also reprint the first
cookbook (which I also recommend) and some really nice other
titles: go here to look (and if you get a chance, do mention we,
from A Meeting of Minds,
sent you there).
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