Collecting Highlights
Comic Adaptation of "The Smallest Dragonboy"
by Cheryl Miller
"The Smallest
Dragonboy" is one of Anne's most reprinted short stories. It
tells the tale of Keevan, a young candidate for the latest
clutch at Benden Weyr.

The most unusual
printed version of this story would be the comic adaptation
which appears in The Bank Street Book of Fantasy. This
volume, edited by Howards Zimmerman, Semour Reit, and Barbara
Brenner, contains comic adaptations of a dozen fantasy short
stories. It was published in Sept 1989 by Pocket Books in New
York, NY, as a paperback. The original price was $3.95 (US). The
story was adapted by Terry Bisson, and the illustrations were
done by Valerie Jones, Ken Hooper, and Chris Schenck. Following
the adaptation is a page about Anne and her Pern series, along
with a few questions about the story.

About a dozen
copies of this book are currently available from online
booksellers, from prices ranged from $1-25 (US).
As of 2/1/2006,
about a dozen copies of this book are currently available from
online booksellers, from prices ranged from $1-25 (US). For tips on locating copies of this or other
items, email Cheryl (address in page footer) or post a message
A Meeting of Minds.
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