Site Map of The Many Works of Anne
Home page of The Many Works of Anne McCaffrey
The introductory page of the site
Anne McCaffrey's Biography
A biographical timeline of personal and professional
events in Anne McCaffrey's life
Anne McCaffrey's Bibliography
Complete listing of Anne McCaffrey's published works
including novels, novellas, short stories, co-authored works,
omnibus editions, and miscellany or supplemental materials.
Organized in the following ways:
Series Details
More detailed information about Anne McCaffrey's
different book series, including bibliographic data and cover images
on all known published editions. Also contains information
about characters, plots, and alien species. This section is a
work in progress that will take years to fully complete.
Miscellany Other
random and at times entertaining information about or from
Anne McCaffrey's works.
Book Dedications
The dedications from all of Anne McCaffrey's books, with
explanations of many of them.
Collecting Highlights
A bi-monthly column highlighting an item
(book/story/miscellaneous item) of interest to
collectors of Anne McCaffrey's works.
Universal Times A mock newspaper containing many short synopses of various books
and series by Anne McCaffrey
The Ubiquitous Johnny
Greene (planned section, not available yet)
Links Links to Anne McCaffrey's official site, sites of her
co-authors and publishers, excerpts of many of her works, and a
select few fan websites.